As a kid, I wanted to be many different things. Doctor. Veterinarian. Artist. Teacher. Mother. There was one title that just kept popping up over and over, though. Author. Even after I took on titles as an adult—Journalist. Editor. Wife. Mother. Freelancer....
Do you like anniversaries? I do. What I enjoy most isn’t gifts or attention or the opportunity to dress up and celebrate. My favorite part of anniversaries is the chance to look back. June 1 marks my first anniversary for this website and the Logos & Mythos...
Last week I typed “The End” on the first draft of my literary fiction novel. I’ve mentioned before to my newsletter subscribers (Click here to join this amazing Fellowship!) how much I’ve been learning through this process, so I decided to...
“I get to write tonight, ladies!” After I sent that text (and the appropriate corresponding gif, of course) to three of my amazing fellow writer moms, I got to thinking about the word get. That’s when it hit me: I GET to write! This is a privilege; not a right. Not...
Writers leave themselves on the page, regardless of what they’re writing. Call it an occupational hazard or a natural part of the creative process, weaving the reality with fiction into a tapestry that is both believable and tangible for the reader. So, could...
When I began writing books, one of the biggest concerns I had was could I really pen that many words? Depending on the genre (and who you talk to), books run anywhere from 70,000 to 120,000 words! That’s a whole lot of characters, Friends! So, back to...