Welcome to January’s 12 Months of Reading! Each month in 2025, I will host a different reading challenge category. These categories are broad to fit a variety of reading preferences. The January 2025 12 Months of Reading Challenge category is: A Book with Snow in the...
I love a good reading challenge, but more than that, I delight in watching readers and authors come together over the joy of a great read. That passion is the soul behind the 12 Months of Reading Challenge. In 2024, I started the challenge on a bit of a whim and...
Welcome to 12 Months of Reading! Each month in 2024, I will host a different reading challenge category. These categories are broad, and, chances are, whatever you’re reading may fit in them. May’s book category is a short story, poetry or essay...
Welcome to 12 Months of Reading! Each month in 2024, I will host a different reading challenge category. These categories are broad, and, chances are, whatever you’re reading may fit in them. January’s theme is a “peach” book—find a cover with...
I sure have enjoyed National Poetry Month! How about you? Let’s take a quick look back: I shared why I think poetry is the most personal form of writing. We chatted with my dear friend and lovely poet Mea Smith about her poetry and writing through grief. And...
In honor of National Poetry Month, I wanted to take a look at teaching poetry to kids. Now, I’ve read the horror stories of poetry-as-torture that some people recall from their elementary and junior high days. Most high school and college memories seem to be...