12 Months of Reading: January 2024

12 Months of Reading: January 2024

Welcome to 12 Months of Reading! Each month in 2024, I will host a different reading challenge category. These categories are broad, and, chances are, whatever you’re reading may fit in them. January’s theme is a “peach” book—find a cover with...
What Do You Love About April?

What Do You Love About April?

A Births B by Joy E. Rancatore Birds chirp. Butterflies flit. Blooms open. Birthdays bring candles, and books find the spotlight. April begets Beauty. April happens to be my birth month, which is fantastic because it is an extremely LITERARY month. Recently I did a...
Libraries Inspire Books

Libraries Inspire Books

Libraries inspire books because they inspire writers. Since this is National Library Week, I wanted to share a few library memories from me and a couple of my author friends. When I was growing up, my family moved often. After a church, the local library was always...