Creativity may be one of the greatest gifts humans enjoy. And, while it is undoubtedly a gift, it’s one that must be exercised, developed and nurtured. Indie Authors—like all writers and artists—rely on creativity for our very livelihoods. One fear we face is a loss...
When I was a little girl and first dreamed of being an author, I pictured riding to a fancy rooftop restaurant in a limo, stepping onto a red carpet in fancy heels and greeting excited readers at my book’s Launch Party. Yes, I realize how ridiculous that sounds. I...
Since 2017 I’ve chosen a word for each year. These words become lighthouses for me as I venture out onto the vast seas of my literary pursuits, especially when the waves of challenges, doubts and disapprovals threaten to dash me against the rocks. My word for 2020 is...
For Indie Authors, any opportunity to sell our books is cause for excitement. That is, after all, why we went through the grueling process to publish them. How else are they going to get to readers? The thing is, though, events are tricky and they won’t always—or...
Welcome to another “Day in the Life of an Indie Author” post. Curious why I chose the Indie path? Check out my introduction to this series. Now that my fall schedule is back in full swing, I decided to share how a typical weekday works for me. As a homeschooling...
We have a special guest today. Please help me welcome one of my dear writer friends, E.E. Rawls, author of Strayborn, a just-out-this-week fantasy meets steampunk tale with characters who face the terrors of coming of age while also learning to use powers of elemental...