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Download the fast facts about award-winning, multi-genre Indie Author, Joy E. Rancatore and her collection of Southern fiction with Christian roots, Carolina's Legacy Collection: Any Good Thing, This Good Thing, Every Good Thing and One Good Thing.
Library Kit with speaking and book information for Logos and Mythos Press and author Joy E. Rancatore


Joy E. Rancatore is a multi-genre Indie Author who is passionate about writing the SOUL with HEART.
Legacy and identity, founded on hope-filled faith, infuse the tales of the soul written from the heart of JOY E. RANCATORE. Her Carolina’s Legacy Collection embraces everyday moments that constitute a lifetime and its heritage. Told around multiple related characters, this collection of Southern fiction with Christian roots explores faith, life, death and the demons within through four mediums—novel, novella, short stories and epistolary.

An avid reader, student of human behaviors and unwitting empath, Joy absorbs emotions and spills them onto the pages of her work. Joy’s technical background includes more than two decades of professional writing and editing. Ongoing training in writing, publishing, business and counseling enables her to package soul-filled stories for her readers. An award-winning, multi-genre Indie Author, Joy believes extraordinary things await her characters and their tales.

Despite a fondness for her roles as author, editor, podcaster and speaker, Joy remains a hobbit at heart with Bilbo’s zeal for mountains. She enjoys a life of quiet stillness with her husband, two children, dog and cat and more books than she’s willing to count. When daily homeschool lessons are complete, she eagerly prepares for teatime before writing your next favorite story.



Joy E. Rancatore is an award-winning, multi-genre Indie Author focused on writing the soul with heart through Southern fiction with Christian roots, nonfiction writings and fantasy stories, while providing experiences that bring readers and authors together to #ShareTheRead. She is the author of six currently published books, with many more on the way, and an ever-growing number of short stories.


Editing uplifts your words and enables you to navigate atop the sea of stories. As an editor for Indie Authors, Joy E. Rancatore enjoys guiding clients from trepidation to fearlessness as they mature in their craft. She offers more than two decades of professional writing and editing experience.

Beyond her editing role, Joy is like you—an Indie Author with a dream and the determination to make it come true. She holds her red pen poised, ready to begin editing with quality for you.


Louisiana Indie Author Project Winner Joy E. Rancatore and Any Good Thing


Award-winning author Joy E. Rancatore appeared on Episode 141 of St. Tammany Parish Library's Check It Out Podcast


Alliance of Independent Authors
Joy E. Rancatore is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers.


Joy’s primary editor is her cat, Tolkien. He hopes one day she’ll improve. Any improvement, however small, would be grand in his estimation.
Both of Joy’s children learned to write with the same fat Snoopy pencil she did.
Joy won Camp NaNo on her first attempt in 2018. She began the challenge with just over 30,000 words and ended the month just past 95,000. That is how Any Good Thing was birthed.
One of Joy’s short stories, “Ealiverel Awakened,” won second place in a competition. Her work, along with many others’, appears in The Crux Anthology, an Adventure SciFi and Fantasy collection edited by Rachael Ritchey. All profits benefit Compassion International. Joy’s short story will one day be part of a much larger fantasy series of books she is currently world-building.
Her biggest writing accomplishment to date remains penning the cover story for the August 2003 issue of Leatherneck, Magazine of the Marines. It featured her brother, Justin.