For nine years now, I have chosen a Word of the Year. These words become touchstones for the opportunities, challenges and decisions of each year. Looking back over each of them shows me a roadmap of where I’ve traveled on this author journey. The Words 2017: FOCUS...
This blog post comes with a warning label. The process you’re about to read is not for beginners because I broke all the first-of-the-year rules. For Goal Setting 101, head to a post I wrote in 2018, “Resolving to Make Better Goals.” Now that we have that...
When an athlete prepares to enter a competition or join a team, he or she trains hard. They eat right. Consuming the right calories is as important as doing the right exercises for a serious athlete. Scholars train their minds before taking intense evaluations. They...
After a lot of mind sifting, I’ve come up with my 2020 word of the year: WISDOM. As I reflect on the words I’ve chosen the past four years, I realize how powerful and central they’ve been in my forward movement as an Indie Author. 2017—FOCUS In 2016, I finally...
Welcome to another “Day in the Life of an Indie Author” post. Curious why I chose the Indie path? Check out my introduction to this series. Now that my fall schedule is back in full swing, I decided to share how a typical weekday works for me. As a homeschooling...
Working as an Indie Author is a little like attempting to switch hats during a storm with hurricane-force winds while still holding on to the other forty-eight hats in your collection. Yeah. As in a prized hat collection, each of our metaphorical ones has a place...