Kids and reading. Kids and reading. Reading and kids. These two just go together like…peas and carrots. Yep! I went there. Who else is watching “Forrest Gump” tonight? I have to be honest with y’all. Not much brings a bigger smile to my face...
I propose to you today that blogs are as old as human communication. Blogs through the ages have raised and razed civilizations time and again. Before you decide I’ve completely lost my mind—let’s face it; most days I’m pretty close anyway—hear me out on this as I...
Have you ever wished you could take out wanted ads for life? Wanted: one house elf to wash dishes, scrub baseboards, clean toilets and complete other equally annoying tasks Wanted: a Lewis to my Tolkien (Don’t laugh, but I actually wrote this one out and...
Storytelling allows me one of the fullest lives possible; it also teaches me writing lesson after writing lesson. These instructions don’t teach me how to write; they teach me how to live. You may ask, “How is that even possible? Isn’t writing a solitary...
Inspiration: Origins Where does Inspiration live? From where does it emerge? Does is drift about the universe with no clear direction? Does it flow freely from the mind of God like the breath that filled Adam after preparation of a land created perfectly for him? I...
Ah! The dreaded question! I believe I am more than a single genre. How can I squeeze all my thoughts, ideas and interests into just one genre? Is it odd that I can’t fit myself into a sole category? Misfits unite! Come to think of it, I’ve never fit into one...