Do you like anniversaries? I do. What I enjoy most isn’t gifts or attention or the opportunity to dress up and celebrate. My favorite part of anniversaries is the chance to look back. June 1 marks my first anniversary for this website and the Logos & Mythos...
I love bookstores! That’s probably not a huge revelation for you today. The thing is I’d forgotten just how much I love them until this past weekend, and that reminded me of the mental picture I have of my dream bookstore. More on that in a bit....
I sure have enjoyed National Poetry Month! How about you? Let’s take a quick look back: I shared why I think poetry is the most personal form of writing. We chatted with my dear friend and lovely poet Mea Smith about her poetry and writing through grief. And...
In honor of National Poetry Month, I wanted to take a look at teaching poetry to kids. Now, I’ve read the horror stories of poetry-as-torture that some people recall from their elementary and junior high days. Most high school and college memories seem to be...
Kids and reading. Kids and reading. Reading and kids. These two just go together like…peas and carrots. Yep! I went there. Who else is watching “Forrest Gump” tonight? I have to be honest with y’all. Not much brings a bigger smile to my face...
If you’re like me, you love to read. And, like me, you may want to be a much more active reader than you’ve been in the past. By “active reader” I refer to a reader who seeks ways to interact with the book and its author. I’ve been a...