Marketing. Branding. Creating an author brand. These are the steps that, quite honestly, take far more time than the actual writing in this crazy business of becoming an author. These are the steps I’ve been working on a great deal behind the scenes over the...
Writing has always been about give and take for me. You know the saying, “Your book won’t write itself?” Well I stand tried and true to that phrase. Writing takes a lot of dedication, hard work, and most of all – the sacrificing of time. Writing is a...
As you may remember, last month I completed the first draft of my literary fiction novel, Beast—actual title to come soon. Writing this book has taught me many things (see 5 of them here), but it’s not done taking me to school. It turns out reading my novel has...
I love bookstores! That’s probably not a huge revelation for you today. The thing is I’d forgotten just how much I love them until this past weekend, and that reminded me of the mental picture I have of my dream bookstore. More on that in a bit....
Today’s focus is my fourth writing fear—finding myself in my fiction. This aspect of writing brings good and bad with it, so I’ve come to the decision that it’s all in how you handle it. Write what you know. If you’ve spent any time around...
Fantasy—the one genre I swore I would never, no how, no way write. Guess what I’m writing? In order to write fantasy, I have to do something incredibly more difficult than piecing words together to make a book; it’s called world-building. This is the third...