Let’s face it; time flies. 24 hours just aren’t enough to do all we desire. I find myself skittering after loose minutes like Scrat after his elusive nut. So, how do writers like me with so many story ideas and works in progress decide where to focus the...
If you spend more than a click or two in writer circles, you will read…and re-read…and re-read…variations of “writing is a solitary profession.” So, to be a “real writer;” must one become a hermit and come blinking out into...
Writing doesn’t always happen. Sometimes life happens instead.That’s not always a bad thing, of course. Take this past week, for example. Since we last chatted, I attended the phenomenal MS Book Festival, rejoiced at the baptisms of both of my children,...
Have you ever wished you could take out wanted ads for life? Wanted: one house elf to wash dishes, scrub baseboards, clean toilets and complete other equally annoying tasks Wanted: a Lewis to my Tolkien (Don’t laugh, but I actually wrote this one out and...
Music has always impacted me in big ways. Seriously, each period of my life could have its own soundtrack. There’s one thing about music that occurred to me a few weeks ago when I attempted to listen to an audiobook for the first time. (Yes, there are similarities;...
Why the weird blog name—Logos & Mythos? Well, I’m weird. And all those who know me said, “Amen!” While there are much deeper, more detailed definitions of Logos & Mythos and there’s much history behind both, I chose these words for a simpler purpose. You see,...