Any Good Thing by Joy E. Rancatore, 2022 Indie Author Project Winner for Louisiana

Any Good Thing

None of us deserves any good thing. So, when one does come—it’s a gift.


Southern Literary Fiction, novel

This Good Thing

Even on the darker days, we can be thankful for this good thing—LIFE.


Christian Southern Fiction, novella

Every Good Thing, a short story collection by Joy E. Rancatore, part of Carolina's Legacy Collection

Every Good Thing

Every Good Thing comes from God—look for them. Embrace them. Give thanks for them. Live them.

Christian Southern Fiction, short story collection

Finders Keepers

The writer’s life is solitary … only if you want it to be.

Writing Craft, nonfiction

The Crux Anthology

Adventure Fantasy & SciFi Short Stories

Fantasy & SciFi


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Animal Tales (Official Title Forthcoming) 

Status: Revising

Genre: Nonfiction

Expected Release: 2025

This book is a collection of animal short stories in the vein of Reader’s Digest animal tales—true stories crafted with candor, humor and love which focus on grief, faith, hope and love. These tales exist as a celebration of the connection between animals and humans and of the power of stories. In our emotional bonds with our pets, we become more empathetic. Through relaying our tales, we become conscious of the depths of our darkness and griefs as well as the heights of our potential with our furry companions by our sides or in our memories. And, finally, this book’s foundation is friendship. Relationships with furry friends, yes, but also with one another. The loss of one of my dearest friends sparked this book’s journey, and I only wish she were here to read it with me.

Quiet Cowboy Novel (Official Title Forthcoming) 

Status: Drafting

Genre: Contemporary Fiction

Expected Release: 2026

Luke Bantham speaks less than he laughs, and he’s rarely had reason for mirth in his twenty-two years. When his long-time girlfriend gets thrown from the horse he trained and she chooses to get rid of the animal rather than get back on him, Luke leaves his hometown and homecoming queen behind to rescue the discarded stallion.

His search leads him into the atrocities of the slaughter pipeline, an inhumane system of trafficking livestock that lines pockets, breaks animals and endangers humans who try to intervene.

When Luke meets Cheyenne, a girl more quiet than him, he finds his voice, and together with a sage stranger they learn to speak for those who can’t. Can they find their courage in time to save a battered horse? If they do, will they survive the repercussions?

Title: Ready for the Red Pen

Status: Outlining

Genre: Nonfiction for Writers

Expected Release: 2025

Edit doesn’t have to be a four-letter word for writers. Through this succinct and clearly written book, writers will learn to embrace the red pen. Professional writer, author and editor Joy E. Rancatore dispels the myths and misunderstandings behind revisions, self-editing, alpha and beta readers, critique partners and professional editors, while showing the beauty of the polished word. Each chapter concludes with practical tips and next steps.

Title: Elspeth’s Tale (Official Title Forthcoming) 

Status: World-building

Genre: Fantasy

Expected Release: 2025 and following

Elspeth chooses to accept her calling as Shepherdess of the Fae, but is she prepared to sacrifice all in order to fulfill the destiny prophesied before her birth? Can she unleash the power within, without allowing it to consume her? And how will her journey affect her sister-friend, Arabel—the one human who accepts her for who she is and what power she wields?


Title: “Ealiverel Awakened”

Status: Published in The Crux Anthology

Genre: Fantasy

Elspeth has accepted her calling—Faerie Shepherdess. She journeys to Temple Taepaeum where she must pass several Trials to awaken all her power within in order to begin her Training.

This short story won second place in Rachael Ritchey’s Adventure SciFi and Fantasy competition and features with other stories in The Crux Anthology, released November 26, 2018. All profits from this book go to Compassion International.


“Ealiverel Awakened” is a small part of what will one day be a full fantasy series by Joy. Read more stories from this world in the Tales of Faerie Shepherds series.

Title: “Our Good Thing”

Status: Available for FREE

Genre: Southern Fiction with Christian Roots

Who knew Baptist preachers shouldn’t dance? Not Rachael Burns—Baptist preacher’s daughter and dance aficionado.

Rachael and her best friend, Jack Calhoun, overhear Bellum’s primary gossips condemning their families for everything from dancing to playing cards.

Where will Rachael turn for comfort and guidance after the cruel words settle? Can she follow her mom’s written advice about “our good thing”? How many lessons and revelations will the wind whip her way on a blustery February afternoon?

Fans of Southern fiction with Christian roots will love “Our Good Thing,” a taste of all the books in Carolina’s Legacy Collection: Any Good ThingThis Good ThingEvery Good Thing and One Good Thing.

Fans of Southern fiction with Christian roots will love "Our Good Thing," a short story taste of the books in Carolina’s Legacy Collection.

Title: “Dream Debris”

Status: Resting (potential transformation to a full novel)

Genre: Historical Fiction


Murdoch and Osla love one another with passion that transcends separations, but will the Sea’s rage rend their feelings and cast the remnants to the waves as floating dream debris?

Title: “Walking the Parade Route”

Status: Available for Joy’s Newsletter Subscribers

Genre: Contemporary Fiction

Laura wants to understand the culture of her new home near New Orleans. What better time to experience that than while “Walking the Parade Route”? She embraces the culture … and so much more … while waiting for the floats to pass and the beads to fly.

This story is my gift to you for joining my Fellowship of email newsletter subscribers! Enter your email address below to join.

Joy E. Rancatore's books on Goodreads
Any Good Thing Any Good Thing
reviews: 10 ratings: 12 (avg rating 4.83)

The Crux Anthology The Crux Anthology
reviews: 8 ratings: 11 (avg rating 4.09)