Logos & Mythos Blog
Welcome to the LOGOS & MYTHOS Blog! This is my virtual home for thoughts on reading, writing and all things literary. Get cozy, prop your feet up and sip some hot tea with me as I share my Indie Author journey. Subscribe below to receive each weekly post right in your inbox and check out this post for the story behind my unusual blog—and Press—name.
Montana’s Choice
This story continues a series of short fiction exploring some of the Faerie Shepherds and Shepherdesses within my fantasy world. Read below the story for further explanation and head over to the Tales of the Faerie Shepherds if you’d like to read more!...
Goal Setting & Rule Breaking
This blog post comes with a warning label. The process you're about to read is not for beginners because I broke all the first-of-the-year rules. For Goal Setting 101, head to a post I wrote in 2018, “Resolving to Make Better Goals.” Now that we have that settled, I...
Death’s Bouquet
This story continues a series of short fiction exploring some of the Faerie Shepherds and Shepherdesses within my fantasy world. Read below the story for further explanation and head over to the Tales of the Faerie Shepherds if you’d like to read more! I can...
Creative Health Focus
On Christmas Day, I shared two photos with my family. Both were of me on the same day, in the same outfit. The differences were one year and nearly thirty pounds. Seeing the change side by side impacted me. I was angry to see how I had been, but stunned, proud,...
Virtual Learning for Writers
Are you a writer? Do you like to learn? Do these topics catch your eye—Creating Memorable Characters, On Writing Plot, Viewpoint and Dialogue? Are you a Christian who seeks to infuse your faith into your writing? If you answered yes, then get ready! About the Master...
Training to Write Fantasy
When an athlete prepares to enter a competition or join a team, he or she trains hard. They eat right. Consuming the right calories is as important as doing the right exercises for a serious athlete. Scholars train their minds before taking intense evaluations. They...