This weekend, I got to do one of my favorite things. Camp. I got to thinking how similar camping and writing are, and what camping can teach about writing. My guess is, camping may just have some lessons for other endeavors you may pursue as well. Read on through and...
I’m currently on Round 4 (I think) of revisions on my literary fiction novel. Let me tell you, friend, revisions are TOUGH! When I faced Round 3, I didn’t want to continue. I was tired and discouraged and overwhelmed and so many more feels. At that point...
I’ve never been one for insane writing goals or intense, days-long sprints. I read blogs where an author claims to have written a novel in a month and roll my eyes. Even NaNoWriMo … I refused to participate because I thought 50,000 words in one month was ridiculous,...
All writers have been there: that moment when you realize you’ve put off your book for far too long. The moment when you tell yourself for the hundredth time that you will “work on it tomorrow” or “as soon as the craziness of life slows down enough that you can...
Last week I shared with you about my plans to write a novella next month and participate in Camp NaNoWriMo. This week I wanted to share with you more about all things NaNo and kick off a month-long series about this special event! What is this crazy thing anyway?...
Next month I plan to write a novella. “Wonderful!” you say. “That’s really … wait. What is a novella?” “Great question!” I respond. [And everyone reading this is praying my dialoguing skills improve before they pick up...