If you could have more of any one thing, what would it be? I’m going to guess most of you answered, “Time!” I agree! Do you know what I’ve discovered, though? We can maximize time … and even create more of it! Before you all start...
The past two weeks I’ve shared with you my decision to be an Indie Author. In Part 1, I broke down the main ways writers can become published authors these days. As I said, some of the definitions vary depending on who’s giving you the details; but I hope...
In the last post, I shared with you my exciting news: I will be an Indie Author! I could not be more excited about my decision of choosing to be an Indie Author. In that post I explained the different types of publishing options authors have these days. As I said...
One month ago tomorrow, I made a huge writing career decision. No, that’s not right. One month ago tomorrow, a writing path chose me. I will be an Indie Author! A what now? Indie Authors pretty much rock. But, for a more intelligent explanation, here we go. The...
A few years ago I swore off making resolutions. I got tired of making my list each New Year’s Eve and then disappointing myself a month or two later. After my initial “bah, humbug” attitude, I realized the problem was with my approach. Resolutions...
Let’s face it; time flies. 24 hours just aren’t enough to do all we desire. I find myself skittering after loose minutes like Scrat after his elusive nut. So, how do writers like me with so many story ideas and works in progress decide where to focus the...