Last week I shared with you about my plans to write a novella next month and participate in Camp NaNoWriMo. This week I wanted to share with you more about all things NaNo and kick off a month-long series about this special event! What is this crazy thing anyway?...
Next month I plan to write a novella. “Wonderful!” you say. “That’s really … wait. What is a novella?” “Great question!” I respond. [And everyone reading this is praying my dialoguing skills improve before they pick up...
As a kid, I wanted to be many different things. Doctor. Veterinarian. Artist. Teacher. Mother. There was one title that just kept popping up over and over, though. Author. Even after I took on titles as an adult—Journalist. Editor. Wife. Mother. Freelancer....
Today I’m resting atop the high of what I like to call “Editor’s Peak.” You see, I’m one of those delightfully nerdy literary folks who actually enjoys editing. (If I didn’t I wouldn’t offer editing services.) It turns out I...
Do you like anniversaries? I do. What I enjoy most isn’t gifts or attention or the opportunity to dress up and celebrate. My favorite part of anniversaries is the chance to look back. June 1 marks my first anniversary for this website and the Logos & Mythos...
Last week I typed “The End” on the first draft of my literary fiction novel. I’ve mentioned before to my newsletter subscribers (Click here to join this amazing Fellowship!) how much I’ve been learning through this process, so I decided to...