Podcaster—that’s a new title I’ve added to my resumé, and I’m pretty excited about it. This past Tuesday, the QWERTY Writing Life Podcast went live. Mea Smith and I co-host this weekly broadcast geared toward creative people who are seeking to take their passions and...
This weekend, I got to do one of my favorite things. Camp. I got to thinking how similar camping and writing are, and what camping can teach about writing. My guess is, camping may just have some lessons for other endeavors you may pursue as well. Read on through and...
Let’s face it. We live in a BUSY world. Some would proclaim it too busy (and I’m likely to agree). With all this busyness swirling around us, we often find ourselves worn out. Is it possible to continue creating through exhaustion? It is possible—with...
Fantasy—the one genre I swore I would never, no how, no way write. Guess what I’m writing? In order to write fantasy, I have to do something incredibly more difficult than piecing words together to make a book; it’s called world-building. This is the third...
I don’t know about you, but sometimes I feel like I’m walking through life on a narrow path between towering mountains of dirty dishes and clothes, unpaid bills, messy floors and to-do lists longer than the Amazon River. Plus, there’s the...
Every person holds stories. The girl who makes your morning latte has stories. The crazy uncle your family chuckles about has stories. The man holding the sign on the street corner has stories. Everyone has a story to tell. But not every story gets shared. Enter...