This story continues a series of short fiction exploring some of the Faerie Shepherds and Shepherdesses within my fantasy world. Read below the story for further explanation and head over to the Tales of the Faerie Shepherds if you’d like to read more!
We dance; we light;
We mean no fright.
Alive, aware,
Cretins beware.
Good and kindness
Drape o’er blindness,
Save when evil lurks;
And we set to work.
We dance; we light;
Our faces shine bright.
Alive, aware,
Cretins declare;
“Good and kindness
Throws off blindness;
Our deeds uncovered.
Up next, they’re smothered.”
We dance; we light;
Well into night.
Alive, aware,
Cretins ensnare.
Good and kindness,
Evil now covered;
Never more uttered.
“Light Faeries Prevail” Copyright © 2020 by Joy E. Rancatore. All Rights Reserved.
What do you think about this world of mine that I’m building? If you enjoyed this story, please head over to my site to read the entire Tales of the Faerie Shepherds series.
This month’s story flowed from the inspiration of a delightful monthly online writing prompt, #BlogBattle. As you will read on their site, “Blog Battle is a monthly writing prompt meant to inspire writers and entertain readers.” To read several outstanding stories inspired by February’s prompt, “Vivacious,” head on over to the BlogBattlers site!
You may just find a new favorite author to follow!
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Ah, this is wonderful, Joy! It’s got a gorgeous rhythm to it — really quirky and unique. Beautiful words, too. I love the three-part structure with the repeating motifs. “Good and kindness / Drape o’er blindness.” Lovely writing, as always! 🙂
Thank you so much!! I don’t often post poetry, but it’s a medium I love. I also think it belongs in fantasy … or maybe that’s the Tolkien talking! 😉
I was trying to come up with a tune to hum to this… 😉 I found this intriguing to read because it brought up all kinds of questions: Is this a general song, or is there an occasion it’s used for? Is it ‘just’ a song or is there some kind of magic attached to it? It’s a nice extrapolation from the fairy culture that illustrates their worldview. Quite vivacious!
I love your questions!! I’ve written a few songs for this world, so I think it’s time for me to stretch my fingers and try my hand at developing some music on the piano. Of course, a harp might be a more fitting instrument. Thank you for stopping by and reading!